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- 09th June 2017 //BSc (Hons) Vision ScienceCOURSE STARTS IN SEPTEMBER 2017 Provided by ABDO College working in conjunction with Canterbury Christ Church University (CCCU), the new BSc (Hons) in Vision Science course is designed for fully qualified dispensing opticians who wish to gain a profession specific degree and acquire graduate...
- 17th May 2017 //Philip Gilbert writes about OLAPhilip Gilbert writes about Ophthalmic Lenses...
- 14th February 2017 //Degree courseWorking in partnership, ABDO College and Canterbury Christ Church University are proud to offer a comprehensive blended learning course for prospective dispensing opticians: The only blended learning degree course in ophthalmic dispensing available in the UK Leads to a BSc (Hons) degree and the...
- 23rd July 2016 //Annual report 2015ABDO College has published its Annual Report for 2015. To view or download the ABDO College Annual Report 2015, please click...
- 15th July 2016 //Clothed in the LiveryABDO College principal, Jo Underwood, was Clothed in the Livery of the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) on 7 June following in the footsteps of her husband and past ABDO president, James Russell. Jo said: “I was delighted and honoured to be clothed in the Livery, and thoroughly...
- 12th May 2016 //New trusteesABDO College trustees serve for a maximum of eight years. As three members of the ABDO College board of trustees complete their term of office, three new trustees have been appointed following a round of interviews. Daryl Newsome will take up his appointment on the 21 July 2016; he replaces former...
- 26th August 2015 //Annual report 2014ABDO College has published its Annual Report for 2014. To view or download the ABDO College Annual Report 2014, please click...
- 18th June 2015 //ABDO College to run WCSM coursesABDO College and the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers (WCSM) have agreed in principle that, with effect from 1 September 2015, the College will take over the day-to-day running and administration of the WCSM training courses for optical technicians and optical retail staff leading to the...