ABDO College achieves Carbon Neutrality for the second year running
ABDO College has successfully achieved carbon neutrality for 2022, alongside a significant reduction in emissions in a number of areas.
ABDO College head of operations Steve Hertz says, “To achieve this significant milestone for the second year in a row is enormously pleasing. The College staff have been working extremely hard on reducing our carbon footprint across all departments and processes so to see those efforts pay off again is fantastic. We are constantly reviewing and improving our teaching and delivery methods, with sustainability being a key principle in this work. We look forward to continuing this vital project for many years to come.”
ABDO College sustainability champion Karen Johnston adds, “The College team and students have collaborated to decrease electricity, gas and water consumption. All waste is now recycled. Alongside this there is a now a positive desire from all staff and students to make sustainable choices every day. From swapping to 100% recycled paper, using technology over printing, to refurbishing optical equipment and office furniture. The awareness of the staff and what they can each contribute to carbon neutrality is continually growing which is an amazing achievement.”
The College has also made the EV and Cycle to Work schemes available to staff. The College’s emissions have been offset using the Larimar Wind Farm Project from Dominican Republic from the Verra registry.