John McGregor installed as new Master of The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers
John McGregor was installed as new Master of the Spectacle Makers Company on Wednesday 3rd October 2018 during the company’s annual service of thanksgiving, remembrance and rededication at St Bride’s Church, Fleet Street. Following the service, a lunch was held at the historical Apothecaries Hall attended by visiting Masters of City Livery Companies and guests from across the world of optical and vision. In his address John talked about the importance of regular eye examinations in preventative eyecare and the role that a multi-disciplinary company like The Spectacle Makers could play in promoting good eye health.
John is a chemist by training. He founded Contamac Ltd in 1987 as a contact lens polymer manufacturer. He now chairs the company whose product range has expanded into the development of biocompatible polymers for specialist contact lens production and interocular lenses. Twice awarded Queen’s Awards, in 2012 for enterprise and in 2015 for innovation, John was awarded OBE in the Queens 2018 Birthday Honours list.