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 - ABDO College

Clinical Ophthalmology – A Synopsis


(3rd edition)

Jack J Kanski and Brad Bowling

Published by Butterworth and Heinemann

Based on the best-selling Clinical Ophthalmology: A Systematic Approach, 7th Edition, by Jack J Kanski and Brad Bowling, this synopsis distils the essential information needed to quickly and accurately diagnose and manage a comprehensive range of ophthalmic disorders. Ideally used as an on-the-go reference for the busy clinician and a review guide for those preparing for examinations.

New to this edition:

  • Visualise the most common eye disorders more clearly with the help of a completely revised image library, including clinical photographs and over 800 full-colour illustrations, many of which are new
  • Remain current in practice with the latest advances in the treatment of retinal vascular disease (including new therapies for macular disorders); new drug therapies; updated surgery techniques for oculoplastic, corneal, and glaucoma surgery; and examination tips, imaging, and associated systemic conditions
  • Access the fully searchable contents online and download all the images at www.expertconsult.com

Essential reading for the following ABDO College course:

  • Low Vision Honours