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 - ABDO College

Contact Lens Complications


(4th edition)

Nathan Efron BscOptom PhD(Melbourne) DSc(UMIST) MCOptom FAAO(Dip CL) FIACLE FCLSA FVCO ILTM

388 pages


ISBN – 9780702076114


In this thoroughly updated fourth edition, award-winning contact lens author, lecturer, and researcher, Professor Nathan Efron, presents an easily accessible, systematic account of how to identify, understand, and manage contact lens complications. Professor Efron is renowned for his ability to distil often-complex principles of ocular physiology and pathology into a clinically-friendly format. The subject matter is arranged logically by tissue structure – which is the way practitioners naturally approach clinical problems. Beautifully presented and lavishly illustrated with full-color schematic diagrams and clinical pictures, this book can serve as both a practical chair-side manual and authoritative reference.

Key Features
  • Thoroughly revised, capturing the latest advances and concepts in contact lens related ocular pathology.
  • Updated ‘Complications quick-find index’ at the beginning of the book, constituting a valuable practitioner aid to formulating a rapid diagnosis and treatment plan, and serving students as a useful examination study aid.
  • Incorporates findings from the Dry Eye Workshop II (DEWS II) and the International Workshops on Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Contact Lens Discomfort.
  • Two new chapters – “Lid Wiper Epitheliopathy” and “Lid-Parallel Conjunctival Folds.”
  • Over 1,500 references cited as the basis of a thorough evidence-based approach.
  • 60 superb new clinical pictures and schematic diagrams, making over 650 in total.
  • Grading scales for 16 contact lens complications, making this the most comprehensive and widely-used grading system available today.
  • Grading morphs computer program as a computer-based aid to assessing condition severity.
  • Self-help grading tutor computer program to help you hone your grading skills.
  • Pictorial tear film classification system.
  • Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.


Essential reading for the following ABDO College course:

  • Contact Lens Certificate