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 - ABDO College

Critical Thinking Skills


Stella Cottrell
Director of Lifelong Learning at the University of Leeds

Published by Palgrave Macmillan

250 pages

Developing Effective Analysis and Argument
Ever seen the comment ‘More analysis needed’ on your work and not sure what to do next? If you have, Critical Thinking Skills will help you face the challenge of the next level. This book takes an easy-to-follow, step-by-step approach to developing a range of critical thinking skills, with clear explanations, good examples and plenty of activities to develop your understanding at each stage. Beginning with the basics and building towards structured evaluations of longer texts, this book offers invaluable guidance to both students and general readers.

Topics covered include:

  • Constructing effective arguments
  • How to critically evaluate other people’s arguments
  • Evaluating the material used to support arguments
  • Recognising flawed reasoning
  • Applying critical thinking when reading, writing and making notes.

At whatever stage of learning you are at, Critical Thinking Skills takes the seemingly baffling art of analysis and makes it not so baffling. In short, this book is a must-have!

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