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 - ABDO College

Ocular Surface Disease: Cornea, Conjunctiva and Tear Film


E Holland, M Mannis and W Barry Lee

452 pages


ISBN – 9781455728763


Ocular Surface Disease: Cornea, Conjunctiva and Tear Film incorporates current research and the latest management strategies as well as classification systems and treatment paradigms for all forms of ocular surface disease. This is the first comprehensive resource that helps you to meet ocular surface disease challenges effectively using today’s best medical and surgical approaches.

Key Features

  • Get the complete, evidence-based guidance you need to provide optimal care for your patients with ocular surface disease.
  • Implement the latest drug treatments and surgical interventions to provide better outcomes with fewer complications.
  • Hone and expand your surgical skills by watching videos of leading experts performing advanced procedures including ocular surface transplantation techniques; amniotic membrane transplantation; pterygium surgery; lamellar keratoplasty (DALK) in ocular surface disease; and keratoprosthesis surgery.
  • Visualize how to proceed by reviewing detailed, full-color images and consulting new classification systems and treatment paradigms for mild to severe forms of ocular surface disease.
  • Take it with you anywhere! Access the full text, downloadable image library, video clips, and more online at expertconsult.com.