Practical Optical Workshop 2nd edition
David Wilson BEc BA(Hons) DipEd FNAO, Steve Stenerson FADONZ and Steven Daras BeD
Published by Open Training and Education Network (OTEN) NSW, Australia.
615 pages, including many diagrams and photographs
ISBN – 9780992580315
Practical Optical Workshop 2nd Edition is intended as a book for the optical workshop. It has been written for anyone in the ophthalmic industry who would like to know more about spectacles. It is particularly aimed at optical dispensing and optical technician students, and those already practicing in those areas. It will also be of use to optometrists, particularly those with their own workshop. The structure of the book allows the student to progress easily through in a logical fashion while also being in a perfectly logical sequence for the qualified practitioner. Practical Optical Workshop is, essentially, a ‘how to do it’ manual. It will cover most, if not all, of the tasks required of a technician or practitioner in a normal edging and fitting workshop. It also gives a detailed checklist of maintenance requirements for the workshop equipment. While concentrating on practical skills and tasks, it also builds on the theoretical knowledge gained from the study of ophthalmic optics and from experience in the profession.
- A thorough overview of the practical aspects of spectacle frames and lenses.
- A detailed description of the function of focimeters.
- Worked examples for calculations.
- Steps for calibrating equipment.
- Alternative methods for various workshop tasks.
- A maintenance checklist.
- A comprehensive glossary.
New to the second edition
- Links to video demonstrations
- Updates on recent changes to lens and frame materials and lens types
- An expanded section on frame manipulation
- An updated glossary
Although this book is an Australian title it is relevant to the UK market and includes comprehensive information about the running of an optical workshop.