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 - ABDO College

Learning and CPD with IOT at ABDO College

Education and Professional Development Manager for IOT Eluned (Lil) Creighton Sims FBDO recently gave an engaging talk with audience participation to second year students at ABDO College.

The sessions gave an overview of progressive lens design so that students could use critical thinking to assess product information and understand progressive lenses from design concepts. Lil Creighton-Sims says, “I started each session with information about non-tolerance highlighting that with modern designs there is little reason for a non-tolerance guarantee provided we understand the designs we use so that we can make better recommendations. Overall, the theme was maths and theory over marketing!”

Topics covered included hard and soft designs, hybrid designs and compensated powers – with a true or false quiz to keep the audience engaged. Lil then explained how to use progression profiles to work out what type of design a lens is, and the relationship between corridor length and minimum fitting height.

Lil Creighton-Sims says, “As one of the first cohorts of students at ABDO College it was a privilege to have the opportunity to return and share knowledge with the current second year students. IOT is committed to supporting existing and future eyecare practitioners in enabling them to understand the lens design theories and process to enhance their understanding of products and deliver exceptional eyecare to patients.”