BTEC First Mathematics for Technicians
A Greer CEng MRAeS and G W Taylor BSc (Eng) CEng MIMechE
Published by Nelson Thornes
343 pages
The Greer and Taylor ‘Mathematics for Technicians’ textbooks have long been recognised as offering top-quality material in mathematics at this level. This volume, originally published as ‘New Level 1’, covers all the objectives included in the BTEC First Mathematics ‘double’ unit.
Two volumes by the same authors covering the mathematics units for BTEC National provide a full course of study.
This title includes chapters on:
- Operations in arithmetic
- Fractions
- The decimal system
- Ratio, proportion and percentages
- Directed numbers
- Indices and logarithms
- The scientific electronic calculator
- Tables and charts
- Introduction to algebra
- Linear equations
- Simultaneous linear equations
- Formulae
- Graphs
- Angles and straight lines
- Triangles
- The circle
- Area and volume
- Trigonometry
- Statistics
Complete with answers to exercises contained in the book.
All other volumes by these authors are available on request.