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 - ABDO College

Countdown to Mathematics (Volume 2)


Lynne Graham and David Sargent, Faculty of Mathematics, The Open University

Published by Pearson – Prentice Hall

Countdown to Mathematics has been primarily written for students who intend to take an Open University course which involves the use of some elementary mathematics. As such, its purpose is to help the home based student revise and practise basic skills in arithmetic, algebra, geometry, graphs and trigonometry. Although it arises from the needs of Open University courses and is designed for self-study, the core material it contains will also be valuable in classroom-based school and college courses of a similar mathematical level. Countdown to Mathematics features the use of the pocket calculator as an integral teaching aid; it is used to explore mathematical properties as well as speed up calculations. There is a wide spectrum of course needs, ranging from the basic numeracy assumed in many social science courses to the very specific skills required for mathematics and science courses. Consequently, the nine teaching modules in Countdown to Mathematics have been split into two separate books.

Volume 1 consists of Modules 1-4 and concentrates on the basic mathematical skills assumed in social science courses. It deals with arithmetic, simple algebra, how to plot and read graphs, and the representation of data. Where possible, the techniques are illustrated with real-world applications.

Volume 2 consists of Modules 5-9 and is intended for mathematics students. The emphasis here is on the manipulative skills that are necessary prerequisites for most mathematics courses beyond GCE Ordinary Level standard.

Recommended reading for the following ABDO College course:

  • Access Mathematics
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