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 - ABDO College

The Dry Eye – A Practical Approach


S Patel BSc(Hons) MPhil PhD FCOptom FAAO and K Blades BSc(Hons) PhD CBiol MIBiol

Published by ELSEVIER Butterworth – Heinemann

156 pages


ISBN – 075064978X

Clear, concise, clinical yet comprehensive, this practical text outlines the detection and management of both mild and severe dry eye conditions whether caused by disease, complications or contact lens wear, environment or equipment. This invaluable text covers the successful management of dry eye conditions very succinctly and in a way relevant for the modern practitioner or student. Setting goals and treatment objectives, and brimming with sound practical advice, it adopts a clinical decision-making approach to the subject. Management and treatment options are prioritised and based on the practical experience of the authors and others. An essential pocket reference for all students and practitioners treating dry eye conditions including ophthalmologists, optometrists, dispensing opticians, ophthalmic nurses and all those involved in the management of these challenging conditions.

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