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 - ABDO College

The Practical Management of Visual Impairment


By J. Macnaughton

Published by Clearview Training

240 pages


ISBN – 9781999822804

The purpose of this text is to produce a practical working guide for eye-care professionals from all backgrounds in the management of low vision.

Incorporated within this text:
Definitions of visual impairment,
Methods of low vision assessment,
Assessment of distance and near visual performance,
Task analysis and methods of prescribing magnification,
The practical use of hand, stand and spectacle lens magnifiers,The principles and practical use of telescopes for low vision,
Electronic magnification and image enhancement,
Non-optical aids, lighting and additional strategies to improve performance,
Working with children and young people,
The emotional impact of low vision and the need for rehabilitation.

This guide is an essential reference for students and professionals including optometrists, dispensing opticians, rehabilitation workers, ECLOs, QTVIs, ophthalmic nursing staff, orthoptists, occupational therapists, ophthalmologists, low vision therapists and social care workers.

With an ageing population, magnification solutions are becoming a fundamental presence within optical and rehabilitation services. More eye and social care professionals are prescribing devices that offer assistance to those with a visual impairment beyond standard spectacle correction. With improvements in materials, lens technology and with new innovative and attractive designs, the range of products has become extensive in recent years. Patients seek good quality devices that are robust, simple and practical to use and there is now a wealth of products in the marketplace offering just that.